Course curriculum

    1. How to Use This Course Template

    1. A message from Eric

    2. Technical walkthrough

    3. Slidedeck/Notes package

    1. Introduction

    2. Acknowledgments and Terminology

    3. The Problem of Pain

    4. Pain neuro part 1

    5. Pain neuro part 2

    6. Pain neuro part 3

    1. Neurotags

    2. Pain Causality

    3. Pain frameworks

    4. Manual therapy evidence

    5. Massage therapy myths

    1. Treatment protocols

    2. Contextual analgesia

    3. Unpacking information

    4. Focus on function centred goals

    5. Case study

    6. Continuing your journey

    1. Reference list for you to download

    2. Your certificate of completion

About this course

  • $177.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

Modern Management of Lower Back and Pelvic Pain

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  • $167.00

    Management of Lower Back and Pelvic Pain

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